e know it is difficult to grasp the enormity of the African challenge when it comes to managing congenital heart disease, but no matter how large the task, we believe the only way to tackle it, is by saving one life at a time. With your help we know we can.
With your donation, no matter the amount, Young Hearts Africa is able to offer financial support and medical care to those children and families that need it the most in our country, the indigent and destitute.
Please donate generously and help the children of Africa see a brighter, healthier future filled with promise and hope.
Please click the DONATE NOW WITH PAYPAL button to choose an amount that you would like to donate.
NPC: 2017228363
PBO: 930074884
Income Tax No.: 9887463165
With your contribution, you are joining thousands of South Africans who want to help Young Hearts Africa to provide medical care where to children suffering with heart conditions.
Customise your financial contribution by accessing Young Hearts Africa’s banking details.
Bank: ABSA
Account Number: 41-0202-0146
Branch: 632005
Remembering Young Hearts Africa through a gift in your will is a special commitment to supporting young children in need who so desperately need medical attention.